শুক্রবার, ২৮ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Do I want her? - Talk About Marriage

Firstly Hi!,
So none of you know me, which is exactly what I like, as then I can get a independant opinion on a situation.
Short life story, married at 22 to first ever girlfriend, very one sided relationship (I think), I did everything for her, never complained (or very rarely), paid all the bills, arranged all holidays, date nights, birthdays etc etc, bought her everything she wanted (even to my detriment financially).
Married 12 years, 2 great kids, divorced (she had had multiple affairs and ended with one(they aren't together anymore)).
That was 3 years ago, since then I've had 2 year long relationships and a 6 week "blip" (2 girls at same time).
Now I'm engaged to a female I've "admired" from afar for 3 years (just after I got divorced). I basically chased her down and stole her from her partner (I'm not proud of this and had NEVER chassed girls down before).
Anyway now she lives with me and so does her daughter, her daughter is already calling me daddy.
She moved in after 5 days after our first date, we got engaged 2 days later (thats 7 days after we "offically" dated), Its now been 7 weeks and I'm feeling "odd", she is lazy (doesn't clean the house, leaves crumbs in the kitchen), I work from home most the time but do a 50 hour week, she works part time for 20 hours. She likes sex a certain way, it is "ok" but not really what I'm use to, we only have sex when she wants.
I'm having HUGE doubts about the wedding (which is costing me all the money I have saved and is in 2 months), I'm worried I rushed (no kidding!) and the illusion of her (i didn't really know her, it was all based on physical attraction (she is super hot)) is now going.
Am I being blinkered?, is what I feel real?, what should I do?, i don't want to hurt her or upset her or scare her away to find out I was wrong and she's great............

Advice please?

Source: http://talkaboutmarriage.com/general-relationship-discussion/56841-do-i-want-her.html

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