মঙ্গলবার, ১২ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Values of degrees and degrees of values | Morocco World News

By Rachid Khouya

Morocco World News

Smara, Morocco, February 11, 2013

It is so natural to study in order to get a degree. But this should not be the only reason behind teaching ourselves and our students and sending our children to schools and universities. Learning values should be our number one priority as educators and as a society.

Educating about values helps our children and students learn how to be human beings. This will help them rise in the world and be good citizens as well. When we engrave these human values in their minds and hearts, then we will be putting the candles of life, hope and beauty inside their minds.

Moreover, values, ethics, morals and principles are the torch that boys and girls around the globe need to find their path in the dark night of the unknown. With these values between their ears and inside their hearts, they learn how to co-exist with each other and to integrate with one another in social and cultural contexts. They are what make us, simply put, real humans.

A lot of families and teachers are taking care of ?animals in the shape of humans ?without being aware of that. They talk about having children whereas what they have are walking animals in the shape of humans that can stand on their feet and who can use their hands to eat to satisfy their animal greed and desires.

We need more focus on teaching values rather than teaching spelling mistakes, tenses, passive voice and reported speech. Yes, these elements of language are pivotal and crucial to develop our students? communication and writing skills. But we need ?real humans? whose heads and souls are watered by the rain of noble and sacred values and ethics.

For example, among the values we should, as women and men of education take into account while performing our lessons and jobs are:

1-Love: Our students must understand what is love and what does that word stand for. Mexican movies and Moroccan T.V. is destroying their moral side by teaching them that love is to trap girls or boys in one?s emotional snares and to exploit their feelings, emotions and bodies.

Those who love others do not cheat, do not abuse and misuse others, do not mistrust people, do not steal what is not theirs, do not attack or hate those who are different, do not kill, rape or decimate the innocent.

2-Equality: Unfortunately, waves of schooled people still believe that their races, tribes, regions, cultures and languages are the best. Some think that they are God?s gift to humanity and that they are superior humans.
I think that spending more than 10 years at school is enough to convince these schooled generations that all people are equal and that there are no significant differences between races, languages, cultures, genders and colors.

What make the difference is one?s hard work and one?s values and beliefs. We all have the same rights and duties and we should judge people by what they do more than what they have or whose sons or daughters they are. As Saint James said, ?show me your works and I will show you your faith?.

3-Hardwork: we prepare students for their future careers, to get good jobs with good salaries but we forget to make them believe, religiously or irreligiously speaking, that hard work, trust, responsibility truthfulness and commitment should be our religions and that our religions should be built upon hard work.

Today, everyone wants to get a masters degree or Phd, but when you ask them why, the answer is to get the 11th grade in the public administration so as to get more income and a higher social status.

Most of them get their degrees and diplomas, but they do it at the expense of their values. They are the first to cheat and to exploit the nation and the citizens. You can have all the degrees of the world and you can be very important in peoples` eyes, but if you lose your values and your self-respect, you are nothing and nobody.

Let?s not forget that societies are built with values, not with degrees. We should not sell our souls to the devil. Humans are respected and remembered by their values. Degrees at the end of the day are just papers. ?What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?? as Jesus said.

? Morocco World News. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, rewritten or redistributed

Source: http://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2013/02/77945/values-of-degrees-and-degrees-of-values/

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